Another Week at the Boatyard: 11/14/2021 – 11/21/2021
Hi hi! Here’s what we’ve been up to this week…
We stopped by the boat Sunday morning to pick up a few things, but spent the bulk of the day working from our Airbnb. Ray is making an inventory spreadsheet of tools/spare parts, and I placed some online orders for the ditch bag I’m making us.
Monday was similar, we spent a few hours at the boat then worked from our laptops at home.
Tuesday was probably our most productive day this week! We got to the boat around 9am and picked up a ton of packages.

The guy from the upholstery shop stopped by to confirm a few measurements and rehash the lounge chair design for our top deck with us. He’s hoping to have everything finished before the end of the month, and we’re so excited! I’ll be sure to post before and after photos once everything is completed. We also had someone come by to put the finishing touches on our fuel polisher plans.
We spent the rest of the morning working- Ray has loaded all his tools and spare parts from the storage unit back onto the boat and is working on reorganizing them in our forward cabin, which we converted into our “garage” last year. He’s keeping everything in the aft cabin for now…

…and is categorizing and reloading things into the forward cabin as he goes! So far, things are looking great.

I finally finished cleaning the fenders and fender covers that afternoon, and plopped them onto the trampolines to dry in the sun.

Since we’re basically Florida residents at this point, we met up with a friend (who we met here last year) for lunch! We went to the local hotspot, Grills, which is just down the street from the boatyard. Both the hostess and the waiter recognized us- we’re becoming regulars. We had a nice time catching up and filling each other in on our plans for this coming year before heading back to the boat to finish up our projects for the day.
That evening we grabbed dinner with our Airbnb neighbors. We went to a pizza place down the street for happy hour and compared our life on the water to their weekend adventures in their van. It’s crazy how many similarities there are between the two lifestyles!
The next day we pulled up to the boat and realized we had forgotten our checkbook and our lunches, so we turned back around and drove all the way back to our Airbnb. By the time we got back to the boat it was too hot to work, so we decided to have an errands day- we stopped by Marine Pro to pay a bill and check on our fuel polisher progress, picked up a few things from Home Depot, and stopped by West Marine for some extra wire.
Friday morning the detailers started working on Sabado. They set up scaffolding around the hulls and use electric buffers to clean, polish and wax the entire boat! The whole boat will likely take them 4-5 days.

Some of the orders I placed for our ditch bag supplies arrived that day too, so I spent the afternoon sorting through everything.

This is going to be the bag we’d grab if we ever have to abandon Sabado. I plan on making a full video about it once we get everything we want, so keep an eye out for that in the future! I kind of feel like a doomsday prepper putting this together, it’s been fun reading up on emergency food rations, multitools, and signaling tactics. Do you have an emergency kit for your home/boat? If so, what’s in it?
That’s all I’ve got for you this week, I hope you had a great week! ❤️
PS– I’m running a bit behind on editing, so our next YouTube video will be up later this week. 🙂
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